Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

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Electronics manufacturer in Opfikon, Switzerland

Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

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The Company Statement
October 16, 2024

Analyzing customs data, The Insider found out that in 2023, $38 million worth of spectrum analyzers and generators from the American Keysight, German Rohde & Schwarz and Swiss AnaPico were imported to Russia, and $12 million worth in 2024. The average price of one device is about $43 thousand. In 2023, the leader in purchasing analyzers and generators from Keysight, Rohde & Schwarz and AnaPico was JSC Scientific and Production Firm Dipol. It was followed by Scientific Instruments and Systems LLC, Gradient LLC, Mikropribor LLC, and Infostera LLC in terms of purchase volume of this equipment. In 2023, the subsidiary of the Swiss company, Anapico Rus LLC, also continued to trade in the products of its parent company AnaPico. In 2024, the leaders in purchasing Keysight, Rohde & Schwarz and AnaPico products, according to customs data, changed. RM-Invest LLC came out on top. The remaining purchases were mainly made through Kazan Radio Measuring Equipment Plant LLC, Special Equipment LLC, Sunrise LLC, Gaan Corporation LLC, and Alfa Instruments LLC. But of those mentioned, only AnaPico AG has stopped exporting to Russia." The legal entity of the company has been in liquidation since February 7, 2024.

October 03, 2024A stunning success. High-precision electronic warfare equipment is coming to Russia from the West despite sanctions
February 07, 2024LLC "ANAPIKO RUS", check by INN 5024190832
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