The Company Statement
July 18, 2024

In the summer of 2022, Rossiya Airlines entered into an agreement with Aquila Technics for the supply of spare parts for aircraft. In October of the same year, the air carrier ordered Bridgestone tires for 15.5 million rubles, and 10 days later transferred the money to the account of the Armenian company. As a result, Aquila Technics did not fulfill its part of the deal, the tires were not delivered, and the money was not returned. The air carrier appealed to the Arbitration Court and won the claim, obliging the Armenian company to pay Russia the entire amount of the order, as well as 100 thousand rubles in state duty.

July 18, 2024An Armenian supplier of aircraft parts unbrotherly screwed the company "Russia" and left it without aircraft tires worth 15.5 million rubles
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