Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed

Topsoe is a Danish company founded in 1940 by Haldor Topsøe. The company has approximately 2,300 employees, of which 1,700 work in Denmark. Topsoe develops solutions for a decarbonized world, supplying technology, catalysts, and services for the global energy transition.

Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed
Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Glob.Revenue, mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Taxes(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
May 04, 2022

Haldor Topsoe announced the closure of activities in Russia and Belarus. Fully wind down all Russian business, enity is liquidated.

Proofs of the company exit from Russia
Global Locations of TOPSOE (no Russia in the list)
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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.