Reducing Activities: company scaling back some business operations while continuing others

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Paul Smith is a global luxury brand selling to 3000 stores in more than 70 countries on five continents.

Reducing Activities: company scaling back some business operations while continuing others

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The Company Statement
February 03, 2023

Paul Smith said it was pulling out of Russia almost a year after most western brands stopped trading in the country following the invasion of Ukraine. In January 2023, Paul Smith, which at that time was openly trading in Russia, was exposed to criticism for its work in Russia. This led to the sudden announcement that the brand would be leaving - and, at first glance, it looked like it had been done. Its outlet in the GUM mall is gone.However, some Paul Smith products are available online through other retailers such as wholesaler Stockmann, meaning socks, underwear, T-shirts, shorts, sneakers and sweatshirts find their way to grateful Russians who are interested The Ozon retail platform also promotes Paul Smith perfumes, bags, belts and T-shirts. The luxury retailer says it has never had direct contact with the two sellers, but admits that "independent entities" and "intermediaries" are "outside of our control."

October 23, 2024What Russian boycott? How a Mail investigation discovered British brands from Barbour to Burberry, Mothercare, Rolls-Royce and Land Rover are still being sold in Russia
February 03, 2023Letter sent by B4Ukraine to the company (no response provided)
January 29, 2023Fashion tycoon Paul Smith fails to explain his company's continued presence in Russia during Ukraine war
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