Telegram Messenger is a globally accessible freemium, cross-platform, encrypted, cloud-based and centralized instant messaging service. The application also provides optional end-to-end encrypted chats and video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features. Headquarters: Tortola, British Virgin Islands (legal domicile). Dubai, United Arab Emirates (operational center). Founders: Nikolai Durov, Pavel Durov. CEO: Pavel Durov

Glob.Revenue, mln.USD

The Kremlin announced the transformation of Telegram into “a tool in the hands of terrorists”. Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old Russian-born founder and CEO of the messaging platform Telegram, was detained at Paris’s Bourget Airport at the end of August, 2024. The reason for Durov’s detention remains unclear, but speculation centers on concerns over Telegram’s moderation practices and the platform’s inability to prevent criminal activities.

The Company Statement
June 22, 2023

Despite the initial threats, the listed web services remain operational and available in Russia, such as YouTube, Wikipedia, Telegram and Zoom. The authorities will spend 1 billion rubles to replace Telegram for officials. Telegram filed a protocol for refusing to localize data. Messenger faces a fine of 6 to 18 million rubles. Telegram was fined 4 million rubles. for refusing to delete content prohibited in the Russian Federation. Tech giants Google, Meta, TikTok, and Telegram settle Russian fines.

August 30, 2024FT: Telegram's loss in 2023 was $173 million
August 25, 2024Who is Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov
July 08, 2024Telegram fined 3 million rubles for refusing to remove prohibited information
May 29, 2024The EU wants to force Telegram to fight Russian disinformation
April 29, 2024Telegram blocked a number of official chatbots of Ukraine - GUR
March 28, 2024The Kremlin announced the transformation of Telegram into “a tool in the hands of terrorists”
January 06, 2024Telegram Calls Out Russian Authorities For Mysteriously Removing Fines Against Tech Giants
January 04, 2024Tech giants Google, Meta, TikTok, and Telegram settle Russian fines
December 04, 2023RKN drew up 14 protocols for violation of the law on self-control by foreign social networks
November 21, 2023Telegram was fined 4 million rubles. for refusing to delete content prohibited in the Russian Federation
October 25, 2023Telegram is preparing to hold an IPO in 2025
October 10, 2023Protocol events. How Russia is preparing to block YouTube and Telegram by purchasing equipment to circumvent sanctions
September 04, 2023A court in the Russian Federation fined Telegram for the first time for violating the circulation of personal data
August 16, 2023Telegram filed a protocol for refusing to localize data in Russia
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