Nielsen Holdings plc is an American information, data and market measurement firm. Nielsen operates in over 100 countries and employs approximately 44,000 people worldwide.

Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Assets(RF), mln.USD
Capital(RF), mln.USD
Glob.Revenue, mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Taxes(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement

Although many Western players have left the Russian market, AC NIELSEN LLC and NIELSEN DATA FACTORY LLC, local subsidiaries of The Nielsen Company group, continue to operate actively in Russia and are experiencing increased profits.

April 19, 2024Nielsen: 25 years in Russia
April 19, 2024LLC "AC NIELSEN" - Moscow - General Director Kotsuba A. G. - Taxpayer Identification Number 7731459890
April 19, 2024LLC "NIELSEN DATA FACTORY" - Moscow - General Director Kotsuba A. G. - TIN 7733346267
February 12, 2024NielsenIQ: Online FMCG market recovers after recession
December 21, 2023Foreigners will be prohibited from researching food prices in Russia
March 10, 2022Nielsen Says It Is Examining Its Operations in Russia
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