Reducing Activities: company scaling back some business operations while continuing others
Stay Scaling BackCoca-Cola products are solded in over 200 countries worldwide, with consumers drinking more than 1.8 billion company beverage servings each day.
Reducing Activities: company scaling back some business operations while continuing others
Stay Scaling BackGlobal 500, is an annual ranking of the top 500 corporations worldwide
Global 500Top 100 largest companies in Russia by revenue
Top 100The Coca-Cola Company starts making 'Dobry Cola' in Russia. The Coca-Cola Company, which ceased operations in Russia after the outbreak of war, filed three applications for registration of trademarks in the Russian Federation - Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta. Company explains it as a protection of the brand from use by third parties. Rospatent has extended the validity of the exclusive right to the Coca-Cola trademark of the American beverage manufacturer The Coca-Cola Company until August 26, 2034, as follows from the department’s bulletin. The registration period expired on August 26, 2024. Changes were made on June 19, 2024. Russia buys Coca-Cola in Afghanistan after the company partially leaved Russia.
The Coca-Cola Company is suspending its business in Russia but starts making in Russia 'Dobry Cola' and a bunch of juices with brands like Rich and Moya Semya. The Coca-Cola Company's statement meant that direct official sales of Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and other brands in Russia are no longer possible, even though the American company itself has never engaged in them. Ten Russian Coca-Cola plants were owned, bottled and sold by a separate independent company — Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (HBC), registered in Switzerland. The American Coca-Cola Company owns 21.3% of its shares. The profits of Multon Partners LLC, the Russian division of Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V., totaled 10.25 billion roubles (a little over $111 million) in 2023 — more than four times more than in 2022 (2.3 billion roubles), according to the company's financial statements. Back in March 2022, almost immediately after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Coca-Cola announced that it was suspending its business in the country. Its chief competitor, PepsiCo, issued a similar statement. However, leaving the Russian market behind proved to be easier said than done. Slightly decreased revenue in 2023 vs 2022.