Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

Leave Withdrawal

Eaton is an American engineering corporation, a manufacturer of electrical and hydraulic equipment, automotive components, and components for the aviation industry.

Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

Leave Withdrawal
Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Assets(RF), mln.USD
Capital(RF), mln.USD
Glob.Revenue, mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Taxes(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
May 12, 2023

Stop shipments to Russia; maintained services. During the second quarter of 2022, Eaton decided to exit business operations in Russia in light of the ongoing war with Ukraine.

March 18, 2022Eaton, Vitamix, Signet and Lincoln Electric hit pause on Russian business, other Greater Cleveland companies could follow
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