Ele Technology Co., Ltd. brings you the fast, reliable service you need to locate critical shortage, obsolete or highly allocated electronic components.

The Company Statement
June 18, 2024

Customs documents show AMG purchased about $600,000 worth of Tsugami equipment from an official Japanese supplier in 2021. The purchase then increased after the incursion to $50 million in 2023, with the entire increase coming from two shadowy middlemen. Amegino's first provider is a UAE-based provider under US sanctions whose website is initially hosted on servers in Russia. Its owner is Andriy Mironov, according to the corporate intelligence company Diligencia; There are no other details about Mironov's past. The second company is ELE Technology, which fraudulently presents itself as a "division of Gray Machinery Company", a distributor of machine tools in the USA.

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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.