Elecster is the leading company in the world as a system supplier for UHT Lines, Aseptic Milk Packaging and ecological Pouch Packaging Materials.

Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Capital(RF), mln.USD
Assets(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
April 02, 2024

The company continues to work in Russia. "We have tried to express our view that being in Russia is not irresponsible, but rather in keeping with the spirit of the sanctions. It is inconsistent with our values ​​to 'give away' our assets to players who may be under sanctions. Our Russian subsidiaries have undoubtedly continued would have its business under the control of a new owner, in which case any operating income would remain in Russia, and Elecster Group would lose a significant amount of property in Russia, as well as profits with which we could invest in Finland and other markets we believe that continuing our activities in Russia now and in this situation is in the interests of our stakeholders."

March 26, 2024LLC "ELECSTER" - Perm - General Director Grigorieva L. Yu. - INN 5903046090
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