Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed

Hines Interests Limited Partnership is a private company that invests in and develops real estate.

Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed
Assets(RF), mln.USD

PPF Real Estate, a member of the Czech PPF Group, and the American investment company Hines have agreed with the logistics operator "Lidertrans" to sell the Metropolis office complex on the Leningrad highway.

The Company Statement
February 13, 2023

Suspending new investments in Russia anf continued holdings and relationships with Russian investors, partners, tenants. For the past few months, Hines has been selling assets and beginning the process of dismantling one of the largest international real estate businesses active in Russia. Global real estate investment giant Hines is exiting its Russian real estate business. Local entity "HINES DEVELOPMENT RUS" LLC was liquidated before the war but still some real estate assets remained.

December 26, 2024Kama Capital to buy Russian assets of American investment fund Hines
December 18, 2023Foreigners are selling the Metropolis business center
December 08, 2022EXCLUSIVE: Hines To Exit $2.3B Russia Business As Real Estate Works Through Post-War Breakup
March 08, 2022Houston real estate powerhouse Hines to halt new investments in Russia
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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.