Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia
Leave WithdrawalInterpipe Group, or simply Interpipe, is a Ukrainian industrial company, a global producer of steel pipes and railway wheels. Interpipe headquarters and production facilities are located in Nikopol, Ukraine. The network of sales offices covers the key markets of Ukraine, CIS, Middle East, North America, and Europe.
Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia
Leave WithdrawalContinued presence in Russia after the war was started and participated in state tenders. Revenue dropped to 0 in 2023 but profit jumped 1.5x times in 2023 vs 2022. INTERPIPE-M LLC has been in the process of liquidation since December 4, 2023.
Public procurement contracts of LLC "INTERPIPE-M" – Moscow – Liquidator Bolshakov A. S. – TIN 7728560106 |