Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market

Exited Exit Completed

Leader in the design and manufacturing of innovative, high-performance rigid plastic barrier packaging with uncompromising quality and service.

Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market

Exited Exit Completed
Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Capital(RF), mln.USD
Assets(RF), mln.USD
Taxes(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
May 08, 2024

The global manufacturer of containers for agrochemicals Ipackchem, headquartered in Paris, sold the Russian division of the Agro Asset Management company, according to data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in SPARK. The deal was closed in March, and in mid-April Ipackem LLC changed its name to Agrokhim Solutions LLC.

March 21, 2024LLC "AHR" - Klyuchi village - LLC "AGS" - General Director Fedoseev I. S. - Taxpayer Identification Number 4312153546
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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.