Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

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JKX Oil & Gas plc is a British-based hydrocarbon exploration and production company, listed on the London Stock Exchange. JKX operates primarily in Russia and Ukraine, but has a presence in six other countries in Europe and North America.

Clean Break: the company completely halting Russian engagements or exiting Russia

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Staff(RF), 2021
Assets(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
March 08, 2024

Received revenues in Russia in 2021, there is no any official announcement. BDO announced about ceasing to hold office as auditor of JKX Oil & Gas Limited as "The Company’s significant operations relate to producing oil and gas fields in Ukraine and Russia undertaken through subsidiaries in those countries." Disposing of all its Russian assets. Russia declares UK player ‘extremists’ and confiscates gas assets. British oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas Group (JKX) announced that it has filed claims against the Russian Federation regarding the initiation of a lawsuit due to the loss of assets and investments.

February 17, 2025Oil and gas company JKX sues Russia over loss of assets and investments
December 16, 2024The joint venture of the British group JKX Oil & Gas, the PPC, is trying to compensate for the losses caused by Russian shelling in the courts.
October 11, 2024The NSDC does not consider imposing sanctions against the company JKX Oil & Gas, the shareholder of which was the company of Kolomoiskyi and Bogolyubov
October 01, 2024The British company JKX Oil & Gas denied false information about its activities in Russia
September 25, 2024The company "JKX Oil & Gas Ltd" UK reacted to the cyber attack: we do not work in the Russian Federation and are even recognized as extremists there
March 05, 2024Igor Kolomoisky was recognized as an extremist in Russia and his assets were confiscated
May 20, 2023JKX UKRAINE appealed to Shmyhal due to the "illegal" alienation of its assets — UNIAN
December 04, 2022BDO announced about ceasing to hold office as auditor of JKX Oil & Gas Limited
March 08, 2022CERAWEEK: Ukraine's JKX Oil & Gas says operations largely uninterrupted | Reuters
Our Board of Directors – JKX Oil & Gas Ltd (all are Ukrainians!)
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