Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed

Owens Corning is an American company that develops and manufactures insulation, roofing and fiberglass composites and related materials and products.

Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed
Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Glob.Revenue, mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021

Completed the sale of its operations in Russia to Umatex, a Russia-based company making carbon fiber and fiber-based items... Assets in the sale included a composites manufacturing plant in Gous-Khroustalny and an insulation manufacturing plant in Tver/Izoplit, the company said.

The Company Statement
December 05, 2022

Owens Corning Completes Sale of Russian Ops.

February 05, 2023Owens Corning Completes Sale of Russian Operations
December 05, 2022Owens Corning Completes Sale of Russian Ops
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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.