Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)
Exited Exit CompletedPhoenix Contact, headquartered in Blomberg, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany, is a manufacturer of industrial automation, interconnection, and interface solutions.
Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)
Exited Exit CompletedIncluded in the register is an entry about the founder of PARTNERSHIP WITH INTERMEDIATED VIDPOVIDALNISTIU ‘PHOENIX CONTACT FERVALTUNGS GMBH’. 06.06.2022: AGE EQUITY LLC becomes the new founder of the organization. The record about the founder of "PHOENIX CONTACT FERVALTUNGS GMBH" LLC has been removed. The record about the founder of LLC "ELECTROFENIX GMBH" has been removed. 17.06.2022: Full name changed from PHOENIX CONTACT RUS LLC to SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION "AVALONELEKTROTEKH" LLC
06.06.2022: Aiji Equitiza Limited Liability Company becomes a new founder of the Organizate of Organizer, a record of the founder Limited Liability Company "Phoenix Contact Fervaltungs GMBH" Removed Records on the founder of Limited Liability Company "Electrophenix GMBH", 26.05.2022: Semenova Elena Vladimirovna more is not the general director of the organization Galina Ivanovna Bannikova becomes the new general director of the organization. A record of the founder Limited Liability Company 'Phoenix Contact Fervaltungs GMBH' was removed from the register