Renishaw plc is a British engineering company based in Wotton-under-Edge, England. The company's products include coordinate-measuring machines and machine tool products. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.

Glob.Revenue, mln.USD

According to customs data for 2024, coordinate measuring machines and parts for them manufactured by more than 70 companies were imported to Russia. The goods came mainly from China, however, even if the equipment was assembled there, we are talking about production facilities and technologies belonging to large Western corporations, the list of which is small. Half of all coordinate measuring machine exports to Russia are provided by four Western corporations: Swedish Hexagon, German Wenzel, American Automated Precision and British Renishaw.

The Company Statement
March 07, 2024

Renishaw cuts profit forecast amid Russia pull-out and China lockdowns. Since the beginning of the war, Renishaw has closed its business in Russia and Belarus, writing off assets by approximately 2.5 million euros and losing approximately 1% of revenue (the company's revenue for 2022 is about 800 million euros). The company said in the report that it "attempts to monitor any efforts to source products through alternative means." But customs data show that this is not going well: in 2023, approximately 3.5 million euros worth of Renishaw equipment was imported into Russia (360 million rubles to be precise). And the minimum software required for the operation of the equipment is freely available.

February 26, 2025German and Swedish coordinate measuring machines, critical for the military-industrial complex, continued to arrive in Russia in 2024 – investigation
May 10, 2022Renishaw cuts profit forecast amid Russia pull-out and China lockdowns
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