Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed

Stora Enso Oyj is a manufacturer of pulp, paper and other forest products, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The majority of sales takes place in Europe, but there are also significant operations in Asia and South America.

Exit Completed: company sold its business/assets or its part of the business to a local partner and leaved the market or liquidated local entity(ies)

Exited Exit Completed
Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Assets(RF), mln.USD
Capital(RF), mln.USD
Glob.Revenue, mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Taxes(RF), mln.USD
The Company Statement
January 16, 2022

Divested 3 corrugated packaging plants in Russia; 02.06.2022: Full name changed from LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "STORA ENSO PAKADZHING BB" to LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "NOVO PAKADZHING BB" STORA ENSO PACKAGING". 20.05.2022: LLC "NOVOPAK" becomes the new founder of the organization. The record about the founders of JSC "STORA ENSO PAKAJING" has been deleted. 06.07.2022: SETNOVO GROUP LLC becomes the new founder of the organization. The record about the founder JSC "STORA ENSO OYUY" was deleted.

August 22, 2022https://www.storaenso.com/en/newsroom/regulatory-and-investor-releases/2022/3/stora-enso-stops-all-production-and-sales-in-russia#:~:text=Stora%20Enso%20today%20announced%20that.Russia%2C%20employing%20around%201%2C100%20people.
March 02, 2022https://www.storaenso.com/en/newsroom/regulatory-and-investor-releases/2022/3/stora-enso-stops-all-production-and-sales-in-russia
All company names used on this web page are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.