Computer support and services in Stockholm, Sweden. Swedbyte is a Value Added Reseller with expertise in selected busines areas, and go-to-market partner in CEE and the Nordics for leading cloud vendors.

Revenue(RF), mln.USD
Staff(RF), 2021
Assets(RF), mln.USD
Taxes(RF), mln.USD

On its website, the company indicates that it assisted the Russian PIK group of companies in implementing Asana. On February 23, 2024, several companies of the PIK group (PJSC 'PIK Specialized Developer,' LLC 'PIK Corporation,' LLC 'PIK Plus,' LLC 'PIK Genpodryad,' and LLC 'General Contractor MFS'), along with the group’s main shareholder, Sergey Gordeev, were added to the United States sanctions list. The U.S. Department of State noted that the General Contractor MFS “is allegedly involved in the recruitment of contract soldiers for Russia’s war in Ukraine.” Another company for which Swedbyte implemented Asana is SberCloud. On April 6, 2022, the U.S. imposed full-blocking sanctions on Sberbank, Russia's largest state-owned bank and the owner of SberCloud. In an attempt to shield SberCloud from sanctions, Sberbank subsequently withdrew as a shareholder. On June 29, 2022, the U.K. imposed sanctions on SberCloud’s new owner, JSC New Opportunities. According to the British sanctions justification, JSC New Opportunities gained control over part of Sberbank’s assets and, as a result, is supported by the Russian government in conducting business within a strategically important sector — the information, communication, and digital technology sector. These connections raise concerns about Swedbyte's compliance with international sanctions and the ethical implications of continuing business with sanctioned entities.

The Company Statement
November 07, 2024

According to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, in 2023, Swedbyte's Russian subsidiary (ООО “Сведбайт”) paid RUB 94 million (~USD 1 million) in taxes and fees to the Russian budget. Its revenue increased by 38%, reaching RUB 501.1 million (~USD 6 million).

November 07, 2024LLC "SWEDBITE" - St. Petersburg - Director Guryanova M. O. – TIN 7810832627
February 23, 2024Responding to Two Years of Russia’s Full-Scale War On Ukraine and Navalny’s Death
April 06, 2022U.S. Treasury Escalates Sanctions on Russia for Its Atrocities in Ukraine
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Company statements and statistical data are collected from open sources and official registers according to the methodology of the KSE Institute.