Analytics as of May 12, 2024

TOP-100 companies by global revenue in the world and KSE status (2022, in million US dollars), data collected by KSE Institute:

TOP-100 companies by local revenues in the Russian Federation (2022, in million US dollars) and KSE status, data collected by KSE Institute:

TOP-100 companies by local assets in the Russian Federation (2022, in million US dollars) and KSE status, data collected by KSE Institute:

Companies by number of staff and KSE statuses in the Russian Federation (2021, in thousands), data collected by KSE Institute:

Companies by number of locations and KSE statuses in the Russian Federation vs Global, 2021, data collected by KSE Institute:

TOP brands value by Kantar (in million US dollars) and KSE status, data collected by KSE Institute: