Tallysman Wireless ®, a subsidiary of Calian Group Ltd., is an Ottawa-based producer of products and components for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

The Company Statement
February 07, 2024

Companies whose components were found inside Shahed-136. GLONASS, GPS ceramic radio frequency antenna manufactured by Tallysman. A Tallysman representative said: “We have been informed, and we agree, that some of our components have been misused in sophisticated military guidance systems in Ukraine. Tallysman has fully complied and will continue to cooperate with all Canadian and international export control agencies and authorities. To the extent possible for a product sold globally, we verify and review end customer identification and intended end use. We are very careful about what products we sell to whom." The navigation of the Shahed-238 is handled by the satellite and inertial systems traditional for these aircraft-missiles. To receive satellite navigation signals, a block of four TW1721 antennas from the Canadian company Tallysman is used.

July 04, 2023Terror in the Details: Western-made Components in Russia's Shahed-136 Attacks
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